You can now subscribe to my Newsletter for my Blog!
You asked for a newsletter in addition to my blog, so you get one. @Buttondown is the service.
You can subscribe on the Newsletter page.
Read on if you want to know a bit more; if you’re interested in the details.
Content and schedule
I write blogs since the early beginnings and are fascinated in blogging and publishing my thoughts on a personal blog. So the focus of the additional newsletter is no extra content, it will - for now - used as an additional service to bring some of my content into your mail inbox.
Nothing more for now, never say never, but I don’t plan on releasing content only in a newsletter and not on my blog.
If I think a post is worth sharing to newsletter subscribers I will share this manually, every mail you get via the newsletter is handcrafted from the blog and nothing automated. The #SundaySwing issues will be shared for sure.
No hard schedule, so if you don’t want to miss a post, feel free to subscribe or read my blog here which you can also add to your favorite RSS-Reader.
I still configuring and testing some small design things for the newsletter, but I think I found a good compromise of what I want it to look and still can save some time by not writing all in a closed platform like Substack or Revue.
Why Buttondown?
I tested the last couple of days with different newsletter services, like Revue and Substack but wasn’t happy on how they handle the content and it was really a pain to simply copy&paste Markdown content (which all my blog posts are written in) into a new issue.
So I tested Buttondown, which is way more privacy focused and easy to handle, because it supports Markdown right out of the box and I can paste the raw Markdown code into a new mail and it renders beautifully into a newsletter.
As you might have noticed I try to use open platforms ( here) wherever possible. Since Substack and Revue - both widely used in the #FinTwit world - are pretty closed systems - aka silos - I tried to find a better way to share my content with you.
Also some of the advantages I like are, Buttondown:
- Privacy-first (We Germans really take care!!)
- Run by a human
Right from the website of Buttondown.
Your newsletter, your data. Most email and newsletter tools operate under one of two business models:
- They are venture-backed, forcing them to achieve scale and profitability at the expense of usability or privacy.
- They are designed for large corporations, who spend tens of thousands of dollars a month to create complex automation workflows based on subscriber actions.
Buttondown is different. I’ve built it specifically for folks who want a tool, rather than an ecosystem: I keep track of how I spend money and offer customizable analytics options so you can be comfortable with the data you collect.
So this might be not important to you, but for me it is and I would like to post this here as well and not using one of the widely used services, because of some of the reasons mentioned above.
Feel free to subscribe: