Recap of my trading day 9/24 lotto Friday with #TheStrat

Friday! Lotto options day! I charted and set alerts for 6 different tickers, nearly every ticker had a 4-hour setup as entry, so this was risky but payed well on some of the trades. I normally do 4-hour entries only on Friday because of the 0dte options to get an early entry.

$BYND 112p 🚀 - alert triggered instantly on the 1min chart the 3rd candle broke, triggered the 5min candle at 112.00. Act quickly was key here. 1.00 -> 2.10 with plenty of time to exit with 110% profit!
$NET 135p 🚀 - also gap down, triggered the first 5min candle, but was way below entry 135.50 already. Drilled down even more with a 5min ORB for a new entry with OTM strike 130p 1.00 -> 2.00 = 100%
$ZM 272.5p 🚀 - gap down, got above trigger (all in first 5min) and then trigger 275.50 was hit again for an entry. 2.35 -> 5.00 = 120%
$FB 345p 🛑 - triggered and failed, reverted and the 350c play as triggered.
$PTON 94p 🛑 - triggered because of huge gap down at open, recovered into ORB and stayed flat.
$FB 350c 🚀 - play of the day! I entered twice and got stopped out with 30% profit on first one 10AM, 2nd entry was better 🤑. at 11:30AM triggered again and was a runner! 0.56 (some got in even cheaper!) -> 4.00 (and higher) = ~600%
$MSFT 295p 🛑 - also hit trigger 297.57 but instantly failed.

4 out of 7 plays that triggered were profitable and produced nice money. With tight stops, the failed 3 plays have no huge impact.

Will do some charting on Sunday again for swing plays into next week.

Have a great weekend!