Recap of my trading day 9/13 with #TheStrat

What a red day to start the week, but as 10 out of my 11 setups were bearish, it was expected by me. 8 out of 10 bearish alerts got triggered, I had only $AMD bullish which not triggered and $FSLR didn’t trigger because of a huge 7% up today.

$UPST 250p - fail Quick profit possible, Reached my projected target twice after alert. (but premiums was high!) 4.50 -> 5.70 = 20% fail because of Risk<>Rewared ratio

$ZM 290p - hit same as UPST, at alert the 290p 3.80 -> 5.10 (probaly higher) = ~35%, premium was to high to play it for me.

SNAP 72p - hit plenty of time after alert to get in. 72p 9/17 1.10 -> 2.90 = 165%

FB 372.5p - hit also time, even the trigger was hit 5mins pre-alert. 2.50 -> 3.40 = 35%

AMD 102p - fail what a ride for AMD, huge drop, didn’t expected it that fast… I call it a fail because this was to fast to enter manually here… at alert 102p 1.42 -> 1.55 :GUH: Not really a GUH, just no trade

ABNB 160p - hit also huge dump at open and the 160p was trading at 4.00 at alert 09:45, could be a win. 4.00 -> 5.70 = 45% :take_my_money:

SNAP 71p - hit Swing alert, I played the 70p (50% profit). But the alerted 71p was 1.40 -> 2.27 = ~60% in 15 mins :take_my_money:

MSFT 290p - failed - I traded this and got stopped out, because I was not happy with “only” 10% :-( possible 1.28 -> 1.41 in 5 minutes) still holded it and sold at 1.21.

Most of the alerts where ITM for the selected plays premium was way to high to play them.
2 trades done, $SNAP and $MSFT, sadly let the $MSFT trade turn red, with a slight loss.